发布时间: 2020-11-30 访问次数: 7222
洪婷婷,中国药科大学药物分析学博士,Vrije Universiteit Brussel联合培养博士,中南大学博士后。主持国家自然科学基金青年项目、湖南省自然科学基金青年项目及中国博士后科学基金面上项目,以第一或通讯作者共发表SCI论文15篇。研究方向为毛细管电泳技术在分离分析中的应用研究。
[1] Hong T, Liu X, Zhou Q, Liu Y, Guo J, Zhou W, Tan S, Cai Z. What the microscale systems ‘see’ in biological assemblies: cells and viruses[J]? Anal. Chem., 2022, 94, 1, 59-74.
[2]Hong T, Qiu L, Zhou S, Cai Z, CuiP, Zheng R, Wang J, Tan S, JiangP. How does DNA ‘meet’ capillary-based microsystems[J]? Analyst, 2021, 146, 48-63.
[3]Hong T, Zheng R, Qiu L, Zhou S, Chao H, Li Y, Rui W, Cui P, Ni X, Tan S, Jiang P, Wang J. Fluorescence coupled capillary electrophoresis as a strategy for tetrahedron DNA analysis[J]. Talanta, 2021, 228, 122225.
[4] Hong T, Qiu L, Rui W, Li Y, Guo Q, Zhou S, Cui P, Sheng J, Ni X, Wang J, Jiang P. Capillary electrophoretic method for Staphylococcus aureus detection by using a novel antimicrobial peptide[J]. Electrophoresis, 2021, 42, 1217-1220.
[5] Hong T, Liu W, Li M, Chen C. Click chemistry at the microscale[J]. Analyst, 2019, 144, 1492-1512.
[6] Hong T, Liu W, Li M, Chen C. Recent advances in the fabrication and application of nanomaterial-based enzymatic microsystems in chemical and biological sciences[J]. Analytica Chimica Acta, 2019, 1067, 31-47.
[7] Hong T#, Peng Si, Liang W, Liu W, Chen C. A multi-channel microchip containing 16 chambers packed with antibody-functionalized beads for immunofluorescence assay[J]. Anal. Bioanal. Chem., 2019, 411, 1579-1589 (#co-first author)
[8] Hong T#, Xu Y, Chen X, Ji Y. Affinity capillary electrophoresis and fluorescence spectroscopy for studying enantioselective interactions between omeprazole enantiomer and human serum albumin[J]. Electrophoresis, 2017, 38: 1366-1373. (#co-first author)
[9] Hong T, Yang X, Xu Y, Ji Y. Recent advances in the preparation and application of monolithic capillary columns in separation science[J]. Analytica Chimica Acta, 2016, 931: 1-24.
[10] Hong T, Chen X, Xu Y, Cui X, Bai R, Jin C, Li R, Ji Y. Preparation of graphene oxide-modified affinity capillary monoliths based on three types of amino donor for chiral separation and proteolysis[J]. J Chromatogr A, 2016, 1456: 249-256.
[11] Hong T, Lu A, Liu W, Chen C. Microdroplet synthesis of silver nanoparticles with controlled sizes[J]. Micromachines, 2019, 10, 1-10.
[12] Hong T, Chi C, Ji Y. Pepsin-modified chiral monolithic column for affinity capillary electrochromatography[J]. J Sep Sci, 2014, 37: 3377-3383.
[13] Hong T, Zheng Y, Hu W, Ji Y. Preparation and evaluation of bovine serum albumin immobilized chiral monolithic column for affinity capillary electrochromatography[J]. Anal Biochem, 2014, 464: 43-50.
[15] Chen C, Liu W, Jiang P, Hong T*. Coaxial electrohydrodynamic atomization for the production of drug-loaded micro/nanoparticles[J]. Micromachines, 2019, 10, 1-15.
[16] Hu W, Hong T, Gao X, Ji Y. Applications of nanoparticle-modified stationary phases in capillary electrochromatography[J]. Trends Anal Chem, 2014, 61: 29-39.
[17] Miao C, Bai R, Xu S, Hong T, Ji Y. Carboxylated single-walled carbon nanotube-functionalized chiral polymer monoliths for affinity capillary electrochromatography[J]. J Chromatogr A, 2017, 1487: 227-234.